Planning: Maximum Value. Maximum Opportunity. Maximum Results.

Onu Ventures’ planning philosophy is simple, yet effective: innovate with design, connect with neighborhoods, encourage walkability & livability, and enhance accessibility. Our thorough research and analysis process is centered upon seeking avenues where we can reduce risk and contribute to an asset’s growth potential.


We ensure we use as much space on the site as possible while being sensitive to parking, ROW, and detention requirements.

  • Thorough review of existing topography, wetlands, accessibility, and other environmental conditions.
  • Deep analysis of costs, benefits, revenue, and impact per use based on market demands, trends, and available space.
  • Functional design and development that will maximize space, promote walkability, and encourage indoor/outdoor connectivity
  • Seek the necessary zoning needed, rather than limit ourselves to existing zoning boxes.
  • Incorporate amenities and public spaces adjacent to impacted assets


Aligning with the need to evaluate and address the physical conditions, occupancy mixes, and potential improvements of existing structures and spaces, our planning philosophy emphasizes innovation while being mindful of budgetary considerations. We strive to create conceptual sites that are progressive yet affordable, fostering revitalization in line with the community’s economic and social fabric.


Our priority will always be to lean into the site’s existing natural landscape and program the built environment to seamlessly interact with the natural outdoor environment. We will focus on creating a harmonious relationship between indoor spaces (such as buildings, retail areas, offices, and residential units) and outdoor spaces (such as plazas, courtyards, parks, and pedestrian walkways) to “erase the lines” between the landscape and the built environment. The goal is to enhance the overall user experience, promote a sense of community, and create a dynamic, vibrant environment. Examples of outdoor/indoor connectivity include:

  • Open spaces and plazas
  • Balconies and terraces
  • Pedestrian walkways and corridors
  • Landscaping and greenery
  • Human scale design


We ensure our sites are walkable, providing safe, efficient pedestrian circulation between all site uses. We begin our process by reviewing current thoroughfare plans and begin traffic studies. We will identify potential streetscapes that include the following:

  • Clear and distinct pedestrian zones such as wide sidewalks for pedestrian traffic & outdoor amenities
  • Use of high-quality, slip-resistant paving materials to create a comfortable walking surface
  • Provide marked and/or raised street crossings designed with pedestrian safety in mind
  • Traffic calming design including speed humps, textured pavement, and roundabouts


We are committed to a robust engagement process with local communities. This encompasses public meetings, individual interviews, workshops, surveys, or other means to ascertain their needs. Our engagement will ensure that community interests, objectives, and priorities are accurately reflected.


Our approach incorporates reverse-order analysis and innovative design principles to ensure the best quality product at the market price. By thoroughly reviewing existing regulatory policies, assessing current and projected economic conditions, and identifying potential financing and incentive plans, we work to minimize risk and contribute to the market potential and growth of neighborhoods.

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